
Edison Parker Controls

If you’re running any type of commercial or industrial mechanical system, you need a fail-proof commercial access control system. It will allow you to monitor each of the features, functions, and outputs of your current pump and mechanical system so that it runs smoothly. A control system will generally include a pump control box, water pump pressure control switch, and even cooling tower water level control. All of these features keep your system running smoothly and efficiently so that you don’t have to worry about sudden breakdowns in the system.

Edison Parker services all control system sales, repairs and maintenance in New York and New Jersey to help you ensure that your control system is well managed.


  • What role do controls play in the operating systems?

    The control system works by regulating the process by which a mechanical operating system runs. So, if you are running your cooling tower at a certain speed and efficiency level, the control system is what will make sure those levels stay where they should be. But really, this is true in any type of system that needs controls.

    You can use the control system to increase or decrease efficiency by changing the settings, but the most important thing is to make sure that you are monitoring the actual output of the system in this process. You want to make sure that you don’t increase or decrease levels too much.

    Changing the levels outside of the maximum efficiency range will actually decrease the quality of what the system itself is doing. In fact, increasing can be just as bad as decreasing these numbers and could result in not only a slower output but actual damage to the system that you’re controlling. That’s because too much power could overload the system, while too little means that it struggles to manage the tasks it needs to execute.

  • Can I set up my own control system?

    While it’s possible to set up your own control system this process will take a great deal of time and effort on your part. It also takes a great deal of specialized knowledge which will require additional training and even support from professionals. Not to mention it’s going to take you away from time spent on other work related projects.

    All of this means that it’s generally best to let professionals set up your cooling tower control system. Having a professional take care of the setup will ensure that all of the settings are as they should be, and that you have someplace to direct your questions and concerns both during the control system setup, and for follow up after the system is already up and running.

  • How do I find the right person to set up my control system?

    Call Edison Parker for any of your control system needs. Whether you need pump controls, a heat pump control board, water pump control box, or anything else for your system, our team can get this up and running for you really quickly. Simply ask us for a quote request and we’ll be sure to follow up with you.