Commercial Energy Saving Tips for Business

With the cost of energy skyrocketing, it is more important than ever to ensure your commercial business is employing energy-saving tips. Whether you’re a high-end restaurant, a downtown office, or a hospital, it’s essential to know which commercial energy-saving tips to utilize in your business.

While some of these tips for saving energy in the workplace can be done on your own, other commercial energy-saving tips will require a reputable company that performs complete mechanical services. Edison Parker has the complete mechanical services to answer the call.

Top Commercial Energy-Saving Tips You Can Do Today

Utilizing energy-saving tips in your commercial building is an easy way to lower costs and get the best usage of your system. Here are some of the best solutions for energy efficiency.

  • 1

    Size Your Pumps Correctly

    Pumps that are not correctly fitted for your commercial building can cause excess production, which means a costlier energy bill. Finding the right pump size can dramatically change your energy costs while ensuring your structure is adequately heated and cooled. The efficiency motor should also be fitted and working conjointly with the right-sized pumps.

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    Regularly Service and Inspect Your Equipment

    Regular servicing of commercial appliances is critial from two different aspects. For one, the complete mechanical services team will ensure your equipment is running at total capacity. They will check essential areas such as the boilers and chillers to ensure peak HVAC efficiency is achieved. Secondly, any leaks, breaks, or cracks can be spotted before they become a massive issue that would otherwise cost hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to replace.

    Professional servicing from a reputable complete mechanical services company should be performed at least two to three times per year, if not more. In-between services, clean or change your HVAC filters each month. Dirty filters produce poor air quality and cost more to use.

    You can also take the following steps to bring some more energy-efficiency to your control systems:

    • Clean the evaporator
    • Clean the condenser coils on heat pumps and air conditioning units
    • Repair leaks and damaged insulation
    • Adjust the pressure in compressed air systems
    • Replace malfunctioning steam traps
    request equipment servicing
  • 3

    Upgrade Equipment

    One of the best energy-saving tips for small businesses and large companies alike is to update equipment. All companies can benefit from updated equipment that enhances performance and less energy waste. Here are a few significant steps to take:

    • Switch to Energy-Efficient Bulbs: Swap traditional light bulbs for long-lasting energy-saving bulbs and enjoy 20% to 80% less energy consumption. You can also install occupancy sensors in areas of larger buildings that aren’t occupied as often.
    • Purchase Smart Strips: A smart strip is a must for commercial buildings using computers and other electronics. These power strips allow owners to designate when electronics should be on/off, so they don’t use power when not in use.
    • Invest in Thermostats/Electronic Controls: Electronic controls will allow computers to shut down or sleep when not in use. Thermostats will provide improved control over the heating and cooling to ensure they’re used optimally. Just ensure these electronic controls are audited regularly for the best efficiency.
    • Replace Old Windows: One of the best energy-saving tips for hotels or other commercial buildings with many windows is to replace older windows with new and improved energy-efficient ones. These windows should be dual-paned to repel any heat or cold air from the outside, which would otherwise cause your HVAC system to work harder, i.e., cost more money.
    • Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances: Energy Star appliances are the solution for the best electric and gas energy-saving tips. Energy Star Certified equipment and appliances use less energy than other models, ensuring lower costs overall. They also protect the environment, and most workers in this day and age are highly concerned about being proactive in this department.

    Many Energy Star Appliances can (and should) find their way into your commercial building. For example, a restaurant can benefit from energy-efficient refrigerators and dishwashers, while a hotel will enjoy the lower cost of energy-star washers and dryers.

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    Keep Consistent Temperatures

    Fiddling with your thermostat is one of the most significant issues that result in costly energy bills. One of the best heat pump energy-saving tips is to keep the building at or close to a consistent temperature, regardless of the season.

    • Summer: 76 degrees when the building is occupied; 85 degrees when the building is not occupied
    • Winter: 68 degrees when the building is occupied; 60degrees when the building is not occupied

    The minor adjustment to the degrees will ensure that the system does not turn off entirely, so you won’t have to pay more to reach the desired temperature.

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    Increase Insulation

    This is one of the pricier commercial energy-saving tips, but one that reaps excellent energy-saving results. Increasing overall insulation to the building – especially on the roof – will ensure that heat stays locked inside the building, making it one of the best winter energy-saving tips to consider.

    Shades can also be used conjointly with insulation. Keep the shades open during the winter months to allow the sun to heat the building. Close during summer to keep the heat waves at bay. Consider a commercial blower to help with circulating hot and cold air.

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    Inspect or Purchase a Ventilation System

    Ventilation is imperative for the overall well-being of your building and the occupants inside. Poor ventilation can lead to mold, dust, and damage, but it can also impact energy costs. Our team of experts can help with an energy recovery ventilation system to save you money and improve air quality.

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    Take Small Steps Towards Efficient Progress

    Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a big difference. Here are some minor commercial energy saving tips for your building:

    • Ensure vents are clear. Blocked ducts have to work harder, which means they’ll be using more energy.
    • Educate building tenants. Knowledge is power, even when it comes to commercial energy-saving tips. Explain that temperatures should remain consistent, to turn off electrical equipment when not in use, and to ensure all vents are not obstructed.
    • Get rid of energy drains. Small changes can make a dramatic difference. For example, turning off the light in a vending machine and swapping LED lights in your neon sign can impact energy costs.


  • 8

    Go Green

    Installing energy-efficient appliances and improving insulation are green ways to save energy in a commercial building, but they’re not the only solutions. Here are three eco-friendly commercial energy-saving tips:

    • Point-of-Use Water Heaters: A single water heater in an extra-large commercial building will lose heat as it travels, costing you more money. Install point-of-use water heats to cut down on costs and enjoy hotter water.
    • Solar Panels: Solar panels have become increasingly popular, and for a good reason, too. Solar panels cut energy costs significantly and can even result in up to a 30% tax credit to cover your bases. This meaningful reduction in costs is highly beneficial during the summer months when energy bills tend to soar. That said, solar panels tend to be one of the best energy-saving tips for summer. They also act as a backup solution during power outages, vital for specific industries.
    • Wind Turbines: Commercial buildings in windy climates can benefit from small and compact private wind turbines. These turbines will generate energy and work alone or conjointly with solar panels.
    • Improved plumbing: Low-flow and dual-mode toilets reduce overall water consumption, which means less waste in the long run.

Edison Parker is Here to Help

Edison Parker can help with all of your extensive commercial energy-saving efforts. We can install the correct size pumps, take care of leaks and breaks within the system, and replace failing equipment that are costing you more.

Edison Parker was founded in 1997 and began as a marketing company for mechanical replacement parts and units for large commercial buildings. In 1999, the company expanded to include complete mechanical services with shops and service trucks.


Now, Edison Parker and Associates is the one-stop source for supplies, maintenance, and installation of all types of equipment, including cooling towers and boiler pumps NYC. Our top-notch mechanics are also prepared to handle all commercial system repairs so that you can enjoy lower energy costs and streamlined equipment.

We offer a quick and simple quote generator to ensure you spend less time wondering about pricing and more time enjoying your new-and-improved system. All you need to do is enter some critical information, such as your type of repair service and location. Within two days or less, our complete mechanical services team will reach out to provide you with your quote and answer any questions or comments you may have.

Whether you need replacement parts, regular servicing, and inspection, or require an entirely new unit, Edison Parker and Associates has you covered. Give us a call today!

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